Antonym in Korean
길다 to be long VS 짧다 to be short

This week the Korean words is : Adjective - long / short


길다 짧다

This course will help you gradually learn the uses of adjectives in Korean. The Adjectives below are analyzed and broken down for better understanding.

Antonym in Korean - 길다 to be long VS 짧다 to be short
Descriptive Verb
Hangeul : 길다
Romanization : gil-da
English : to be long

- Use -

Descriptive Verb
Hangeul : 짧다
Romanization : jjal-da
English : to be short

- Use -

짧을 거예요

By order, in present form, in past form and in future form

---------- Example ----------

Hover the question mark sign to see the all sentence in romaja.

머리가 길어요. +

상의가 짧아요. +

---------- Understand Each Word ----------

머리 = hair

상의 = jacket