Antonym in Japanese
あつい hot - さむい cold
This week the Japanese words is : Adjective - hot / cold
あつい さむい
This course will help you gradually learn the uses of adjectives in Japanese. The Adjectives below are analyzed and broken down for better understanding.

Kanji : 暑いKana : あつい
Romanization : atsui
English : hot
- Use -
Kanji : 寒いKana : さむい
Romanization : samui
English : cold
- Use -
さむ い ですさむ くない です
さむ かった です
By order, in present form, in negative form and in past form
---------- Quiz ----------
---------- Example ----------
Hover the kanji to see how to read in hiragana or the question mark sign to see the all sentence in romaji.
熱 い鍋 です。
冷 たい手 です。
---------- Understand Each Word ----------
鍋 = a pot手 = hand